Established Christian Female Coaches & Service Providers for Coaches,
are you ready to generate more IMPACT & INCOME without compromising your Christian Values?
If so, check out my Client Case Studies and Testimonials. Then, schedule a NEXT LEVEL Client Breakthrough Session below.
Teresa H. Talks about how her business shifted in 7 days and how she generated $11,000 in 13 DAYS!
Dr. Peggy discusses her experience of us working together and the explosion in her Inner Healing and Deliverance business!
Dorianne St. Fleur is closing 5-Figure Weeks! She ended the Accelerator with $116,338 in 90 DAYS!
LaToya Early is creating 5-figure months during the pandemic. She ended the Accelerator with $48,275 in 90 DAYS!
Takima Howze is doubling and tripling her prices and is STILL able to sell her services!
Aldeen Simmonds-Thorpe is closing 5 & 6 Figure Corporate Contracts! She ended the Accelerator with $43,344 in 90 DAYS (plus pending contracts)!
Sherry struggled with technology, but knew she could help women find their purpose. Watch as she explains how she still sold $11,000 in services in 4 days!
Leslie has been in business for over 10 years! Watch as she talks about how she created her 1st 5-figure month in about 30 days of us working together.
-STEP 1-
Schedule Your call
During your complimentary Breakthrough Call, you’ll learn exactly what your business blindspots are.
Ready to Get Started?
-STEP 2-
I’ll help you create a plan so that you ACCELERATE YOUR INCOME & IMPACT
-STEP 3-
Implement PROVEN strategies and watch your business grow consistently!
Ready to achieve your Freedom? Let’s get started today!