In part I of this series, I outlined strategies you can implement immediately to create a success mindset. Last week, I spent time going over how to set time aside each week to create 2-4 business goals. I strongly recommend that you use SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) due to the level of accountability. This week, we will look at the 3rd part: Scheduling Time
Step 3: Scheduling Your Time
This week, we will focus on scheduling time for your business. For many of us, we are starting and growing our business while still working full-time. It can become very difficult when you are trying to balance working full-time, your family obligations and your business. Due to this, it is going to be key that you schedule time each day to work on your business. I strongly suggest that you spend at least 30 minutes doing something to start and grow your business.
Last week I mentioned the power of writing things down so that you are held accountable and are able to track your progress. This can mean writing in your planner or putting it on the calendar on your phone. You may want to check out business calendar software from companies like Bamboo Solutions to help you with your organisation. What is important is that you actually DO IT!
So you may be asking “Bev where do I find the time with everything I have going on in my life?” Well for some of you, this means waking up 30 minutes earlier in the morning, missing an episode of your favorite television show, or not going out with co-workers after work on Friday.
The time you spend working on your business can include getting the paperwork taken care of (i.e. applying for your license and business structure, opening a business account, etc.), working on your website, networking, marketing, adding a security camera system to protect your business, promoting, etc. With the explosion of social media, spending time establishing yourself as an online expert is critical to the growth of your business.
When building your brand, be sure to make use of all of the opportunities online. From social media to building a website, there are many ways to market your company. Both of these methods are highly effective, however, social media might not hit the correct target market for every company. Whatever route you choose to go down, you’ll probably need a strong internet connection to allow you to build your business online. Whilst some start-up businesses use home internet packages, it might actually be more beneficial to use a business internet package. You can always click here to learn about business internet if you’re looking to get started online.
For many people, life gets in the way, and the miss working on their business for a day or two. They think that 1 or 2 days won’t hurt anything. However, it usually not just 1 or 2 days. For some, days turn into weeks, weeks into months and eventually, their business gets completely pushed to the side. Although they did not start off with that intention, life got busy and their business ended up being a casualty.
Therefore, having that scheduled time can definitely help you to keep this from happening to you. Although it may be difficult to balance everything you have going on in your life, if you want to have a successful business, you are going to have to make some sacrifices in the beginning in order to have the dream life you desire.
Every day for the next 7 days, schedule time on your calendar to do something related to your business. Let me know how you did with this strategy.